Main Tasks For Lawn Maintenance

The main tasks to achieve a strong and healthy lawn by Earth Development for example begin even before sowing with the preparation of the land; with this, we will be able to improve the chances of success in germinating the sown seeds and better implantation of the lawn. Fertilization, scarification, tapping, and replanting will be the other tasks in our maintenance plan. Let’s dig a little deeper into each of them:

Land Preparation

The previous preparation by lawn clean up services near me for example of the land is a fundamental factor not only for the success of the planting, but also to avoid future headaches in the maintenance of our lawn. It will be necessary to eliminate the weeds before sowing, as in this way we will prevent these unwanted species from competing with the chosen variety of grass and we will obtain a much more uniform image in our garden. Another work that includes land preparation is plowing and plowing the land. This process includes loosening and aerating the soil through the passage of a plow machine. In this way, we will reduce the resistance of the soil to germination and plant growth. It is necessary to do it with dry soil to avoid the appearance of clods.

Installation of drainage layer and substrate. Soils with poor drainage capacity produce areas where water accumulates, the biggest breeding ground for future fungal diseases. To install the drainage layer, it will be necessary to implement a layer of sand under the surface and over it a layer of substrate that contains the nutrients that the plant needs for its development.

After these tasks, it will be necessary to level the ground to obtain a uniform surface that facilitates the subsequent cutting tasks and the areas of water accumulation that may arise. Leveling can be done with a rake, allowing us to remove stones or sticks on the ground.

The last work to be done on the soil is done after sowing. To increase the contact of the seeds with the soil and favor the conditions that the plant requires for its germination (constant temperature and humidity), it will be necessary to pass a roller that helps us to “stick” the soil to the newly sown seeds.


Scarification consists of opening the soil slightly to allow the soil to aerate, eliminating tangled grass and mosses that may have developed. The accumulation of organic matter that accumulates in the lawn from uncollected cutting waste can lead to asphyxiation and death of our lawn, as it produces a layer that prevents the passage of water to the roots.

To carry out the first scarification, we must wait until the grass has developed enough and has the necessary hardness and resistance to withstand the process. This normally occurs when it has been implanted for 3 years, but if you have chosen varieties with greater leaf thickness and hardness (such as Pennisetum clandestinum), scarification can be carried out in the second year of seed implantation.

Clare Louise