Comparing The Differences Between Linen And Cotton Curtains

Choosing the right curtain fabric is very difficult especially when the market is flooded with loads of options. Of course, it is one of the hardest decisions to make. Do you want something thicker and heavier or something bright, light, and airy? In which room these curtains will be? How will you take care of them? All these factors must be considered before making a purchase.

While so many options available, we’ll only talk about the linen and cotton curtains. Even though both are made with natural fibers, they are two very different textiles.

Known for their extreme durability and sustainability, linen fibers are extracted from the stems of flax plants that are grown in cooler climates in countries like China, France, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, and the United States. On the contrary, cotton is produced from plants having seed pods filled with ball-shaped clumps of fiber. Unlike flax plants, these plants are typically grown in warm climates in countries like India, China, Turkey, Brazil, and the US.

Read on to find out more about which is best for your home: linen or cotton curtains.

Window Treatments

When it comes to window treatments, linen curtains work well because of their luxurious feel and look. Moreover, it tends to be more billowy fabric. Linen is also a very strong fabric. It is well-absorbent and dries faster than cotton curtains. Cotton curtains are also great for providing privacy and blocking out the sunlight. You can give a light, airy feel to your room with sheer cotton curtains.

How To Care For Linen And Cotton Curtains?

Caring for both linen and cotton curtains is pretty straightforward with the latter one being the more durable to withstand the rigors of a washing machine.

You can wash cotton curtains in a normal cycle using a regular detergent. However, with linen curtains, it’s important to use the gentle or delicate cycle using a mild detergent.

Both linen and cotton curtains should be used in warm or cold water, but never wash with hot water as it will shrink both fabric types.

Both fabrics should be dried on low heat. Remove the linen curtains from the dryer while they are a little damp. You can iron both linen and cotton curtains to remove wrinkles.

How To Compare Linen And Cotton Curtains In Price?

In general, cotton curtains are relatively more cost-effective than linen curtains. That’s because of the comprehensive production of linen:

  1. Flax plants must be grown in cooler climates and optimal weather conditions
  2. The harvesting of the flax plant is a time-intensive process
  3. The linen weaving process is quite slower

Final Comparison

Both linen and cotton curtains are good choices for durability and comfort. Though cotton is easier to clean and generally lower in price, linen offers great durability and sustainability that lengthens its lifespan. However, linen is more likely to get wrinkled after every wash. Cotton curtains, undeniably, are one of the great options to achieve a casual look!

Clare Louise