10 Reasons To Love Solar

Solar Energy comes from the sun.

Although solar installation isn’t free, it is a great way to get energy! Solar radiation is unlimited and can be harnessed to power your home, business, and car.

Solar energy is renewable and will never run out.

One thing that we almost can guarantee is that the sun will rise every morning. This means that your electricity supply will never run dry. You can reduce the power coming from non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels by producing your own solar.

Solar power is a clean and efficient way to generate electricity

The sun is a renewable source of energy that produces clean, green energy. Going green is good news for your community and the planet.

Solar can power your home

Your roof can be equipped with solar panels that allow you to generate your own electricity. You can use the energy you produce. You can still be tied to the utility grid and sell excess energy to your utility company.

People can save money by going solar

Many homeowners find that they can reduce their electricity bills by producing their own electricity and then selling any excess to the utility company. The monthly payments for solar loans and financing are often lower than the original electricity bills. You can also roll this payment into fixed loans to help you budget for your energy costs.

Solar energy can increase the value of your home

According to Zillow’s independent study, solar can dramatically increase your home’s value. This adds an average of 4% to your home’s value, or more than $9,000 in Florida. This value is also exempt from tax.

Even though the sun isn’t shining, solar energy can still be harnessed at night.

Solar energy storage systems and batteries have made great strides in recent years. Many homes and businesses are using them to harness solar energy at night or in the event of severe storms. Many businesses and homes are using them to harness energy at night or in the event that storms occur (which is a lot in Florida). Solar Impact currently offers the Tesla Powerwall which is a great way for you to store solar energy.

The solar energy system allows us to become energy independent

Solar lessens our reliance on fossil fuels. Many of today’s fuels are imported from other countries. You can produce energy at your home or business and be less dependent on foreign fuels. This allows you to become energy independent. Solar Impact only uses materials made in the United States. This allows us to have better control over our supply chain and reduce the distance our material must travel.

Federal Incentives Make Solar Affordable

Federal solar credit, also known as the federal investment credit (ITC), allows homeowners to deduct 26% from their federal taxes for the cost of installing solar energy systems. The tax credit is applicable to the cost of materials or labor and can be used for residential and commercial systems. There is no limit to its value. You can carry the credit into the next tax year if your tax credit is greater than your tax bill.

This article was written by a roofing and solar installation specialist at HD Roofing & Construction. At HD Roofing & Construction, our roofing team is the heart of the company, and we are proud to have a highly-trained, professional team. If you need a roof over your head, we’ve got you covered. We offer a variety of roofing and home improvement services, including roof replacement and repairs, emergency tarps, home restoration, and solar! We are also one of the top-rated solar companies in Lakeland FL!

Clare Louise