The Importance of Licensed Real Estate Brokerage in Real Estate Business

All brokers in the real estate industry are considered as real estate agents whereas all real estate agents are not brokers. A broker is a person or a firm who has passed the real estate broker license exam and has a valid real estate broker license. On the other hand, a real estate broker may be having a brokers’ licence or may not have a brokers’ license or maybe a licensed salesperson employed by a licensed broker. In any case, it is necessary and important to deal with licensed professionals such as Papachristou real estate brokers in real estate business and must never entertain a real estate service provider who does not have a valid real estate license. 

The real estate professionals practising without a license and often found with malpractice is a common happening in real estate business. Therefore, if you have checked the license of a certain real estate brokerage or other real estate professional service providers and eventually found malpractice, you can file for cancellation of their license. The license of a real estate brokerage or professional proves that he or she is eligible and competent to support you in real estate business and ensure profit. In addition to this, a licensed real estate broker usually sits in his or her firm or office and you can find them in their office. 

On the other hand, if an unlicensed real estate professional vanishes with your money, you will not be able to find him or her or sue. The unlicensed real estate professionals have many options to show that they are eligible and have great potential to achieve you a lot of profit in your real estate efforts. But once they run away and vanish after ruining you have no other option to ensure justice for you. It is only a valid license which gives you security against various insecurities in the real estate business. Therefore, you must first ensure the license before dealing with any professional in the real estate business.

The licensed real estate professionals are reliable because they have the code of conduct, and legal and professional standards which ensure that they will not normally get involved in any kind of dubious activities such as providing wrong or misguiding information and fake property titles, loan-shark-deals, real estate appraisals that are bogus, forgery and fake power of attorney, inaccurate and wrong calculation of taxes etc.

Paul Petersen